I was once told that I am a disgrace to my family because I didn’t speak Chinese. My inability to speak Chinese arises from my cultural background. I'm always not Australian, Chinese or Hong Konger enough. But I am also too Australian, Chinese or Hong Konger.

So I decided to take this multifaceted cultural identity, and look at the gaps between cultures. More specifically, I looked at in-betweener cultures that inhabit the gaps between various cultures, like Australia, Hong Kong and China. I’ve dubbed these half-breed, inbetweener cultures- frankencultures. Frankencultures are a patchwork of two or more cultures built to create an unique cultural identity.

I built this system which sprung from my own insecurities about my cultural identity- now I’ve found and designed a way for myself and others like me to try and navigate the messy field of self-identity within cultureSo in essence, people of frankencultures are the modern day Frankenstein’s Monster! Have fun exploring the amorphous blob of inbetween culture that this site holds- a good place to start is here, there or maybe here?.

Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to learn more.